Когда “смеются” русские Искандеры

На заглавной картинке – Украина, город Харьков (1,5 млн. жителей), 28.02.2022

На протяжении последних лет мы были компанией людей, увлеченных музыкой Боуи, которая с легкостью преодолевала межконтинентальные и языковые барьеры. Благодарю каждого, кто когда-либо донатил для блога. Я всегда старалсь выбирать для вас самые интересные материалы и поддерживать свой контент на высоком интеллектуальном уровне.

Сегодня в Украине идет война. То, что творят по приказу Путина рашистские “освободители” на моей земле, является геноцидом украинского народа. Кроме прилетов крылатых ракет, авиабомб, случаев расстрела мирных жителей, которые на машинах пытались выехать из зоны боевых действий, шли по улице в аптеку или магазин, вчера мы стали свидетелями, так называемого, неизбирательного огня – обстрела жилых массивов в Харькове и Чернигове ракетными установками крупного калибра. Я не смогу описать это словами, в сети уже достаточно видеоматерилов.

В ближайшее время новых постов в блоге не будет. Но и потом, если получится все это пережить, сомневаюсь, что мне захочется говорить и писать на русском языке – на языке неофашистов и оккупантов.

Однажды (надеюсь, не в концлагере) я буду вспоминать, что в ночь, когда началась война, я испекла обалденно вкусные булочки с кремом. Это было в прошлый четверг, но кажется, с момента первых взрывов прошли годы.

Fleeing Russian-occupied Hostomel: it’s either Russia or death

Hostomel emerged as a prime target for Russian forces during their advance on Kyiv in February 2022. Situated just 25 kilometres from the capital, the airfield was earmarked to serve as a crucial operational hub for the Russian Armed Forces. The strategic plan outlined the deployment of an elite airborne group to secure the airfield, followed by the arrival of Il-76 cargo planes ferrying the main occupying forces. However, beyond its logistical significance, the airfield served another sinister purpose in the Russians’ scheme: it housed a central camp for both civilian and military prisoners. I spent a week interviewing survivors and speaking with the relatives of those who perished in Russian captivity, endeavouring to uncover which units of the Russian occupying forces might be accountable for this atrocity.

Source: Fleeing Russian-occupied Hostomel: it’s either Russia or death – The Ukrainian Week

The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution

What is worth dying for? While the world watched the uprising on the Maidan as an episode in geopolitics, those in Ukraine during the extraordinary winter of 2013–14 lived the revolution as an existential transformation: the blurring of night and day, the loss of a sense of time, the sudden disappearance of fear, the imperative to make choices. The Maidan was an illumination of the human capacity for natality, the ability to act, to begin anew at this moment. It was the turning point without which Ukrainian resistance to the full-scale Russian invasion cannot be understood.

Free Azov

Fall of Avdiivka – Russian Invasion of Ukraine DOCUMENTARY

In this in-depth analysis, we delve into the recent military developments in Ukraine, focusing on the pivotal battle for Avdiivka. Witness the Russian army’s strategic momentum on multiple fronts, as they make significant gains, particularly in Donbas, showcasing their tactical prowess.

Throughout February, intense fighting ensued in Avdiivka, highlighting the dire situation faced by Ukrainian forces. With a shortage of ammunition and air superiority achieved by the Russian army, the Ukrainian defense was severely challenged. Learn about the critical moments that led to the eventual capture of Avdiivka by Russian forces.

Explore the geopolitical landscape surrounding the conflict, including foreign military support to Ukraine and Russia’s domestic military production efforts. Delve into diplomatic developments, including Putin’s recent statements and proposals, shedding light on the complex dynamics at play.

With insights into casualty figures, equipment losses, and the ongoing struggle for stability, this video provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving situation in Ukraine. Stay informed about the latest developments shaping the course of this conflict.

20 Days in Mariupol wins the Oscar for best documentary

“I’m probably going to be the first director to say this here, but I wish I had never made that film. I wish to be able to exchange this to Russia never attacking Ukraine, never occupying our cities, killing tens of thousands of my fellow Ukrainians” Mstyslav Chernov

Read more: In ‘20 Days in Mariupol’ documentary, the horrors of war are illuminated | AP News

The Hardest Hour / Доvha Doba

A documentary film by director Alan Badoev and channel «1+1 Ukraine», created from 200 hours of footage: the survival, resistance, and life of Ukrainians during the war. Every minute of the film was shot by Ukrainians on their mobile phones. Some heroes survived, some were killed… But their last actions and voices remain. The world must hear and feel the voices of Ukrainians. The Hardest Hour is happening right now. Support Ukraine. Support freedom and independence.

Дикі шершні – виготовлення FPV дронів для ЗСУ

Команда волонтерів по виготовленню ударних FPV дронів-камікадзе. Створюємо партії дронів для Збройних Сил України на волонтерських засадах.

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Source: Дикі шершні – виготовлення FPV дронів для ЗСУ

How David Bowie helped inspire the portrayal of Robert Oppenheimer

Atom bomb epic “Oppenheimer” won seven prizes, including best picture, director and actor, at the 77th British Academy Film Awards on Sunday, cementing its front-runner status for the Oscars next month.

PS. “20 Days in Mariupol” won the BAFTA for Best Documentary.